A. Definisi
Narrative text merupakan teks yang berisi tentang suatu cerita. Fungsi dari jenis teks ini adalah untuk menghibur pembacanya (to entertain/to amuse the readers). Contoh-contoh narrative text adalah dongeng, mitos, legenda, cerita rakyat, fable/cerita binatang, dll.
B. Generic Structure Text Narrative
1.Orientation, berisi tentang pengenalan tokoh-tokoh dan setting (tempat dan waktu).
2.Complication, berisi tentang munculnya permasalahan dalam teks naratif.
3.Resolution, berisi tentang penyelesaian atau akhir dari permasalahan yang ada pada
bagian complication.
C. Ciri Kebahasaan Teks Narrative
Narrative text memiliki ciri-ciri kebahasaan sebagai berikut:
1.Past Tense (S+V2)
- One day, the little boy was very hungry.
- However, when he tried to pull his hand out, he couldn’t.
2.Saying Verb
Merupakan kata kerja yang menandakan adanya suatu percakapan, seperti say, ask, tell,
state, reply, order, question, suggest, dan lain-lain.
- “… I’m sure it’s okay,” said the little boy.
- “Well, don’t be so greedy,” his mother answered.
Berikut ini adalah contoh narrative text:
One day, the little boy was very hungry. He was happy to see a jar of nuts were one of his favorite things to see.
“Ah, I’d like some of these nuts. I’m sure mother would give them to me. But I can’t ask her. Because she isn’t here yet. I’ll just take a big handful. I’m sure it’s okay” said the little boy.
Then the little boy put his hand in the jar and grabbed a big, big handful.
However, when he tried to pull his hand out, he couldn’t. The neck of the jar was too small. His hand was stuck.
He tried and tried, again and again. But he couldn’t take the whole handful out. Soon, he started to cried.
His mother walked into the room and asked. “What’s the matter? Why are you crying?” then she looked little boy’s hand and asked, “What are you doing?”
“I can’t take this handful of nuts out of the jar,” cried the little boy.
“Well, don’t be so greedy,” his mother answered. “Just take two or three nuts. Then you can take your hand out easily”.
He tries her advice … and of course, it worked.
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