A. Definisi
Descriptive text merupakan teks yang berfungsi untuk mendeskripsikan karakteristik seseorang, suatu barang, atau tempat yang spesifik (to describe a particular person, thing, or place).
B. Generic Structure
1.Identification, berisi pengenalan umum seseorang atau sesuatu yang akan dideskripsikan
2.Description(s), berisi deskripsi atau gambaran rinci mengenai seseorang atau sesuatu yang dideskripsikan. Deskripsi yang diberikan dapat berupa gambaran fisik maupun sifat/karakter.
C. Ciri Kebahasaan
1.Present Tense
Disusun dengan menggunakan present tense (S+V1 s/es)
- An elephant is the largest and strongest of all animals
- The elephant draws up water by its trunk and can squirt the water all over its body like a shower bath
2.Noun Phrase (Frasa Kata Benda)
Frasa adalah gabungan 2 kata atau lebih yang memiliki 1 fungsi dalam kalimat. Dalam suatu kalimat, frasa kata benda dapat berfungsi sebagai subjek maupun objek. Frasa kata benda dalam teks descriptive biasanya menggunakan kata sifat (adjective).
- a strange looking animal
- a small tail
- the elephant’s peculiar feature

Berikut ini adalah contoh descriptive text:
The Yogya Kembali Monuments
Located in Yogyakarta. It is three kilometers north of the Yogya city center in the Jongkang Village of the Sleman Regency. The monument was inaugurated on the June 29th 1985 to commemorate the historic Indonesian struggle for independence. Yogya Kembali means Yoya Returns, as a reminder of the returning of the Indonesian Republic Government.
There are two sections of the Yogya Kembali Monument. The first section of the Cureng Aircraft is on the eastern gate, while the other section of Guntai Aircraft stands closer the western entrance of the monument. The monument has two wheeled-machine guns which can be seen from podium towards the eastern and the western side. In the southern of the yard, there is wall engraved with 420 names of freedom flighters who lost their lives during a great struggle, from December 19th 1948 to June 29th, 1949. A poem by Chairil Anwar, titled Karawang Bekasi, is written on one side of the wall dedicated to these unknown patriots.
The Yogya Kembali Monument is surrounded by fish ponds. It is divided into four alleys which lead to the main building. The main building consists of different floors displaying a wide range of colections during and after the war times. It shows dioramas, carved reliefs, or collection of clothes and weapons.

Kalimat pertama pada paragraph pertama merupakan sebuah identification di dalam sebuah teks deskripsi. Sementara itu, sisanya termasuk ke dalam descriptions.

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