No. 6-10 Latihan Soal Conditional Sentense (If Clause)




Many of the participants were disappointed because they expected to have a serious talk with the minister of women’s affairs.


I know I’m sure that the minister would have attended the meeting if she had returned from middle east.

From the dialogue we can conclude that the minister ….

A.   Is still on tour

B.   Didn’t attend the meeting

C.   Had a serious talk with the participants

D.   Went to the middle east because of the meeting

E.    Had been back from her tour before the meeting


7.       If he doesn’t come here, I …. him at home.

A.   Pick

B.   Picked up

C.   Picked

D.   Will pick

E.   Picking


8.       “If he had stayed, it would have been different.”

The sentence implies that …

A.   He did not stay

B.   He will stay

C.   He might stay

D.   He stayed

E.   He will not stay


9.       If he comes today, …

A.   All people using raincoat and umbrella

B.   The rainbow doesn’t show

C.   He leaves office soon

D.   The birds fly above the sky

E.   The plants are dry




Amanda, will you join the English drama?


I will join the English drama If I … more time.

  1. Have
  2. Has
  3. Had
  4. Having
  5. Is had

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