Soal 21

Herbert Spencer merupakan salah satu tokoh sosiologi yang mempelajari masyarakat dengan pendekatan ...

Soal 22

Ajaran Wulang Reh yang mengandung aspek sosiologi merupakan karya ...

Soal 23

Kawasan kumuh (slum) di kota besar sebagai tempat persemaian deviasi merupakan faktor penyebab perilaku menyimpang dari sudut pandang ...

Soal 24

Perhatikan gambar berikut!

Berdasarkan gambar di atas, pernyataan yang tepat adalah ...

Soal 25
Sosiologi termasuk kelompok ilmu-ilmu sosial. Sosiologi sebagai ilmu baru muncul pada abad ...




Soal 16

Menurut Auguste Comte, yang dimaksud metafisika adalah ...

Soal 17

Berikut pengertian sosiologi menurut William F.Ogburn dan Mayer F.Nimkoff adalah ...

Soal 18

Sosiologi bertujuan untuk menghasilkan pengertian-pengertian dan pola-pola umum. Adapun pernyataan yang sesuai terkait informasi tersebut adlaah ...

Soal 19

Tokoh yang dianggap sebagai Bapak Sosiologi serta penganut positivisme adalah ...

Soal 20

Sosiologi lahir sebagai ilmu yang mempelajari tentang masyarakat. Istilah sosiologi muncul sekitar abad ke - 19 yang dipopulerkan oleh Auguste Comte melalui bukunya yang berjudul ...


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No. 16-25 Latihan Soal Conditional Sentense (If Clause)


1.   If she … (decide) earlier, she could have left on the morning flight.

2.   If I had known his address, I … (write) him a letter.

3.   If we had known her, we … (talk) to her.

4.   They would understand it if you … (explain) it to them more slowly.

5.   We … (do) our work if our computer had not broken down.

6.   If the roofer doesn’t come soon, the rain … (leak) inside.

7.   If I … (do) a good job, I would get the raise.

8.   He would have understood her English teacher if he … (speak) slowly.

9.   If my headache disappeared, I could … (play) tennis this morning.

10.            They would have lost their bag if they …(leave) it in the hotel.



No. 11-15 Latihan Soal Conditional Sentense (If Clause)

11.       If you consume garlic and green tea regularly, ….

A.    You will get a bonus

B.   The weather would be fine

C.   You will live longer

D.   You should study hard

E.   Then it would rot


12.       If you want to be the winner in the competition, ….

Which statement is suitable to complete the sentence?

A.    All people is happy

B.   The rainbow doesn’t show

C.   You should take every English course

D.   You have to practice singing a lot

E.   The plants are dry


13.       The man hit by a car yesterday would have died if the doctors had not immediately operated on him.

From the above sentence, we may conclude that …

A.   The man will be immediately operate on

B.   The man is still alive

C.   It’s too late to save the man

D.   The man died after the operation

E.   The doctors did not operate on him


14.       If we went to bed earlier, we wouldn’t be late to school.

In fact …

A.   We were not late

B.   We went to bed earlier

C.   We decided to go to bed early

D.   We slept too late

E.   We did not come to school




Hello, Daniel.


Hi, Ervin.


Do you know about John?


No, I don’t. What’s happen?


John had drawn all his money because he needed it for his father’s operation.


…. If his father’s health had no been in a such bad condition.

A.     He would not take all his money

B.     He should take all his money

C.     He didn’t take all his money

D.     He must have taken all his money

E.     He wouldn’t have taken all his money


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No. 6-10 Latihan Soal Conditional Sentense (If Clause)




Many of the participants were disappointed because they expected to have a serious talk with the minister of women’s affairs.


I know I’m sure that the minister would have attended the meeting if she had returned from middle east.

From the dialogue we can conclude that the minister ….

A.   Is still on tour

B.   Didn’t attend the meeting

C.   Had a serious talk with the participants

D.   Went to the middle east because of the meeting

E.    Had been back from her tour before the meeting


7.       If he doesn’t come here, I …. him at home.

A.   Pick

B.   Picked up

C.   Picked

D.   Will pick

E.   Picking


8.       “If he had stayed, it would have been different.”

The sentence implies that …

A.   He did not stay

B.   He will stay

C.   He might stay

D.   He stayed

E.   He will not stay


9.       If he comes today, …

A.   All people using raincoat and umbrella

B.   The rainbow doesn’t show

C.   He leaves office soon

D.   The birds fly above the sky

E.   The plants are dry




Amanda, will you join the English drama?


I will join the English drama If I … more time.

  1. Have
  2. Has
  3. Had
  4. Having
  5. Is had

No. 1-5 Latihan Soal Conditional Sentense (If Clause)


1.      If people … nutritious food, they are susceptible to any disease.

  1. not eat
  2. doesn’t eat
  3. don’t eat
  4. didn’t eat
  5. has not eaten


2.       If you … faster, you will not be late.

What is the best verb to complete the sentence?

  1. run
  2. ran
  3. is ran
  4. runs
  5. will run


3.       The correct sentence is ….

A.   If I were you, I would give up smoking

B.   If I was you, I will give up smoking

C.   If I am you I would give up smoking

D.   If I was you, I will gived up smoking

E.   If I were you, I will gave up smoking


4.       If I hadn’t booked in advance, I would have had difficulties finding good accommodations at a reasonable price. This sentence means …

A.   I got a good room and I didn’t have to pay much

B.   It was difficult to get a room although I had a reservation

C.   The room I got was good but rather expensive

D.   I found a room in advance but in wasn’t comfortable

E.   I was lucky to get a good room without reservation


5.       Which the sentences below that using conditional sentence type 1?

A.   If the car is dirty, washed it

B.   If the door opens, close it

C.   If you worked hard, you would be rich

D.   If lived in Seoul, tonight I would go to that concert

E.   I will buy a new bike If I pass the exam


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Soal 11

Terjadi demonstrasi mahasiswa menuntut pemerintah yang berkuasa untuk turun jabatan. Realitas sosial tersebut dapat ditinjau oleh sosiologi hubungannya dengan ilmu lainnya, yaitu sosiologi dengan ...

Soal 12

Berikut ini yang menunjukkan ciri-ciri sosiologi sebagai ilmu adalah ...

Soal 13

Keberadaan sosiologi dapat diterapkan dalam dunia penelitian karena sosiologi memiliki ...

Soal 14

Harbert Spencer mempelajari masyarakat dengan menggunakan pendekatan ...

Soal 15

Tokoh yang pertama kali memberikan kuliah sosiologi dalam bahasa Indonesia di Akademi Ilmu Politik Yogyakarta sekarang menjadi Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Politik UGM adalah ...


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